Acceptable Use Policy

By using, and through your continued usage of, GB Risk Control products and services (collectively the “Services”), you (“You” or “User”) are acknowledging that You have read and agree to abide by this acceptable use policy (the “Policy). The Policy has been formulated with the following goals in mind: – Ensure security, reliability and privacy of GB Risk Control systems and network, and the networks and systems of others. – Avoid situations that may cause GB Risk Control to incur civil liability. – Maintain the image and reputation of GB Risk Control as a responsible Internet web site and the ownership of Services. – Preserve the value of Internet resources as a conduit for free expression. – Encourage the responsible use of net resources, discouraging practices which degrade the usability of network resources and thus the value of Internet services. – Preserve the privacy and security of individual users. – System abuse is strictly prohibited. GB Risk Control may terminate or modify Service(s) immediately and may bill for any resulting support charges if User engages in system abuse. Following is a list of actions that are defined to be system abuse. The examples named in this list are non-exclusive, and are provided solely for guidance to users. – If You are unsure whether any contemplated use or action is permitted, please send mail to and GB Risk Control will assist You. Please note that the actions listed below are also not permitted by Users, even when conducted using facilities belonging to other Internet service providers. General Conduct ===============
  1. User is prohibited from transmitting on or through any of GB Risk Control Services, any material that is, in GB Risk Controls’ sole discretion, unlawful, obscene, threatening, abusive, libelous, or hateful, or encourages conduct that would constitute a criminal offense, give rise to civil liability, or otherwise violate any local, state, national or international law.
  2. Services may only be used for lawful purposes. Transmission, distribution, or storage of any information, data or material in violation of United States or state regulation or law, or by the common law, is prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to, material protected by copyright, trademark, trade secret, or any other statute. GB Risk Control reserves the right to remove such illegal material from its servers.
  3. Users are prohibited from engaging in deceptive marketing policies, such as those defined by the Federal Trade Commission Deception Policy Statement.
  4. Users are responsible for keeping billing data with GB Risk Control up-to-date and accurate. Furnishing false data on the signup form, contract, or online application, including fraudulent use of credit card numbers, is grounds for immediate termination, and may subject the offending User to civil or criminal liability.
  5. Users acknowledge that the GB Risk Control is owned by in2vate, llc (“in2vate”), including, but not limited to, all in2vate products, services, and programming contained therein. Users obtain no right, title or interest in any of these products and services contained in GB Risk Control. The resale of GB Risk Control products and Services is not permitted, unless specifically provided for and documented in a written agreement between GB Risk Control and User.
System and Network Security ===========================
  1. User may not attempt to circumvent user authentication or security of any host, network, or account (also known as “cracking”). This includes, but is not limited to, accessing data not intended for User, logging into a server or account User is not expressly authorized to access, or probing the security of other networks (such as running a SATAN or using a similar tool).
  2. User may not attempt to interfere with service to any user, host, or network (“denial of service attacks”). This includes, but is not limited to, “flooding” of networks, deliberate attempts to overload a service, and attempts to “crash” a host.
  3. User may not use any kind of program/script/command, or send messages of any kind, designed to interfere with a user’s terminal session, via any means, locally or by the Internet.
  4. User may not impersonate GB Risk Control staff.
  5. User who violate systems or network security may incur criminal or civil liability. GB Risk Control will cooperate fully with investigations of violations of systems or network security at other sites, including cooperating with law enforcement authorities in the investigation of suspected criminal violations.
Email =====
  1. Harassment, whether through language, frequency, or size of messages, is prohibited.
  2. User may not send email to any person who does not wish to receive it. If a recipient asks to stop receiving email, the User must not send that person any further email.
  3. User is explicitly prohibited from sending unsolicited bulk mail messages (“junk mail” or “spam”). This includes, but is not limited to, bulk-mailing of commercial advertising, informational announcements, and political tracts. Such material may only be sent to those who have explicitly requested it. Adding or attempting to add other users’ email addresses to any Internet mailing list is also prohibited.
  4. User may not forward or otherwise propagate chain letters (multiple forwarding) of any type, whether or not the recipient wishes to receive such mailings.
  5. Malicious email, including but not limited to “mail bombing” (flooding a user or site with very large or numerous pieces of email), is prohibited.
  6. Attempting to cancel, supersede, or otherwise interfere with email posts other than one’s own is not permitted.
  7. Forging of header information is not permitted.
  8. GB Risk Control accounts or Services may not be used to collect replies to messages sent from another Internet service provider, where those messages violate this Policy or the acceptable use policy of such other provider.
  9. These rules apply to other types of Internet-based distribution mediums as well.
Individual Accounts ===================
  1. GB Risk Control dialup accounts are intended for use by a single individual.
  2. Multiple simultaneous logins are prohibited.
  3. Password security is the responsibility of User. Good passwords should be a minimum of five characters long, contain at least one number or symbol, and should not be based on any dictionary word or common name. User may not share passwords or accounts with others.
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